
Neonode's berührungslose Touch-Lösungen - optimiert für die Reduzierung von Virenübertragungen in öffentlichen Räumen
We believe there is a longer-term health benefit of advancing new ways to interact with touchscreens and buttons in public place.
Angesichts der weltweiten Ausbreitung von COVID-19 haben Regierungen auf der ganzen Welt Richtlinien zur Verringerung von Virusübertragungen eingeführt, die von gründlichem und häufigem Händewaschen über soziale Distanzierung bis hin zu Quarantäne reichen. Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass diese Maßnahmen kurzfristig notwendig sind, glauben aber, dass es längerfristig einen gesundheitlichen Nutzen hat, neue Wege der Interaktion mit Touchscreens und Tasten an öffentlichen Plätzen zu entwickeln, wie z. B. in Fahrkartenautomaten, Kiosken, Verkaufsautomaten, Geldautomaten und Aufzügen, die Krankheitserreger von einem Benutzer zum anderen übertragen können.
News highlights
Providers of public interaction terminals are invited to explore Neonode's full line of plug-and-play sensor modules to quickly make their product “touchless”.
Neonode can also offer customized “touchless” solutions for integration into customers’ products.
Neonode’s products and solutions are optimized for reducing viral transmissions in hospitals and other public spaces, by enabling contactless interaction with an invisible sheet of light that detects user inputs. This sheet of light can be placed at a removed distance from a button surface to enable users to select buttons without actually touching anything (see figure 1).
This sheet of light can also be aligned with holographic buttons to enable touch interaction with a projected image of a display. These interfaces eliminate physical contact between the user and the surface, reducing the risk of transmissions (see figure 2).

Figure 1. Neonode Sensor Modules enable contactless touch for e.g kiosks, vending machines, ATMs and elevators, to reduce viral transmissions.

Figure 2. Holographic solution for elevator panels with Neonode Sensor Modules eliminates physical contact between the user and surface and reduces the risk of viral transmissions.
For more information on these solutions please see the links below.
Neonode Webinar: Switching to Holographic and Other Contactless Touch Solutions for Safer, Germ-free Interaction
Neonode’s white paper: Contactless touch – a safer method for interaction
Neonode's white paper: Contactless Touch – Interaction With Images Floating In-air
Neonode’s press release: Contactless touch for curbing pathogen transmission in hospitals and other public places
Neonode’s news post: Go germ free with Neonode’s mid-air touch solutions
Design World’s article about Neonode’s contactless solutions: Contactless touch sensing for safer interactions
Sensortip’s article about Neonode’s contactless solutions: How can you have touchless touch sensing?
Global Construction Review’s article about contactless lift buttons:
Video post at Reddit about contactless lift buttons:
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