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Cabin Occupancy
Personalized and Intelligent Vehicle Experiences

Sensorik in der Kabine

We believe every new car on the market should be a safe, personalized and intelligent space that is enjoyed by all drivers and passengers.

As vehicles become more sophisticated, autonomous and connected, Neonode continues to push the boundaries of possibility. Our mission is to develop leading-edge embedded sensing technologies that will inspire and empower automakers to create the experience-defined vehicle of tomorrow.

With innovation in our DNA, Neonode’s highly customizable image analysis and infrared solutions for the automotive industry leverage the best in AI, machine learning and optical sensing technology to go beyond standardized safety regulations (EU GSR and EuroNCAP ) – we empower automotive designers to configure unique, real-time driver experiences for the entire cabin, enabling extraordinary brand differentiators in every make and model.

Our technology is trusted in 95+ million products worldwide, including passenger, commercial and luxury vehicles.

In-cabin UPS



Steuern Sie alles, vom Soundsystem bis zur Klimaanlage, mit Handgesten aus der Luft. Integrieren Sie visuelles Licht oder akustisches Feedback für mehr Sicherheit und benutzerfreundliche Interaktion.


Virtuelle Trackpads

Machen Sie jedes Material zu einer interaktiven Touch-Oberfläche - z. B. Naturholz, Glas, Kunststoff oder sogar Leder - und verleihen Sie den Bedienelementen im Innenraum und der Unterhaltungselektronik im Fahrzeug ein einzigartiges Aussehen und Gefühl.


Proprietary CAD Models

Use your own CAD designs to create unique brand experiences and stand out in today's competitive marketplace.


Resource Efficient AI

Unlike many artificial intelligence and deep learning solutions, our MultiSensing technology is focused on efficient, low power implementations.

In-cabin Application Examples

Neonode's combined camera analysis and infrared technologies can be used to create amazing driver and passenger experiences throughout the entire vehicle. With our highly customizable and multi-modal solutions, we empower manufacturers and automotive tier one suppliers to create bespoke features and next-generation interaction for every make and model.

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User Personalization

Personalize the cabin based on the driver and passengers seating position, head position, height, eye gaze, behavior or create customized user profiles based on facial recognition.

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Cabin Safety

Increase the safety for each occupant by knowing their age, stature and whether they are seated in a way that may interfere with airbag deployment or other critical features. Detect correct seatbelt usage to fulfill the updated 2026 Euro NCAP protocols.

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Digital Mirror Augmentation

The image in digital mirrors is often perceived as too static. With the information captured by interior cameras, the image can be augmented using MultiSensing to replicate the experience of using a real mirror.

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Interaktion auf jeder Oberfläche

With invisible infrared touch sensing technology, create interactive experiences on any surface of the vehicle, whether you would like touch capabilities on a digital interface, wood, glass, metal or even fabric. Learn more.

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Holografische Interaktion

Create the next-generation vehicle experience with interactive holographic displays. With bare hands and the naked eye, our technology enables users to point, select, scroll, swipe, zoom and spin holographic images in mid-air. Learn more.

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Erkennung von Gesten

Allow drivers and passengers to command in-cabin controls with intuitive hand or body gestures. Whether it is a swipe in front of a screen, a control, or a hand motion simply in mid-air, our technologies can accurately detect gestures near and far. Learn More.


Erfüllung der Standards

Neonode addresses the need for robust driver and in-cabin monitoring systems that enable our customers to meet guidelines such as EU GSR and Euro NCAP.

CTA - In-cabin Sensing

Speak to an expert about
your in-cabin sensing requirements.

10 Year History in Automotive Innovation

Das intelligente Lenkradkonzept von Neonode

Automobile Sicherheitsmerkmale

Nach Angaben der Weltgesundheitsorganisation sind Verletzungen im Straßenverkehr weltweit die achthäufigste Todesursache, aber Verbesserungen bei der Gestaltung von Straßen und Kraftfahrzeugen tragen dazu bei, die Verletzungs- und Todesraten in den Ländern der ersten Welt zu senken. In der EU wird die Überwachung des Fahrers bis 2026 zur gesetzlichen Vorschrift für Neufahrzeuge, was zu sichereren Fahrzeugen in ganz Europa beiträgt. Neonode engagiert sich für die Sicherheit in der Automobilindustrie.

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In-car entertainment (ICE) and in-vehicle infotainment (IVI), is constantly being redefined, with veracious competition from automakers who strive to create the biggest differentiator for in cabin enjoyment. Neonode has been at the forefront of infotainment for the past decade, with humble beginnings in touch-screen entertainment, to powering the ideas of tomorrow with the latest in passenger monitoring, holographic touch and spatial awareness technologies.

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Neonode denkt die Zukunft des Fahrzeugcockpits neu, indem es den Herstellern hilft, die Interaktion im Innenraum mithilfe modernster Technologie zu verändern. Wir sind der Meinung, dass Stil keine Kompromisse eingehen sollte: Deshalb befähigen wir Autodesigner, versteckte Touch-, Gestensteuerungs- und Sensorfunktionen zu entwickeln, die die nächste Generation von Innenraumfunktionen für ultimativen Fahrerkomfort definieren werden.